The team consists of dermatology specialist and certified Mohs surgeon Martin Glud, General Manager Bolette Birch and dedicated nurses and technicians. Guidance, Mohs surgery and reconstruction are performed by our specialist doctors.

Martin Glud

Consultant, Specialist in Dermatovenerology (skin diseases), Mohs Surgeon, PhD

Martin Glud graduated as a medical doctor in 2000 from the University of Copenhagen. Employed as Consultant at the Department of Dermatology, Bispebjerg Hospital, where he is responsible for the treatment of patients with skin cancer. He handles the surgical treatment of skin cancer with a focus on Mohs surgery.
Martin Glud has performed over 3000 Mohs surgical procedures at the Department of Dermatology, Bispebjerg Hospital. In addition to his current position at Bispebjerg Hospital, he has been employed at the Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Burns Treatment, Rigshospitalet.

Martin Glud received his PhD degree in 2011 in the field of melanoma. He is still active in skin cancer research and has authored or co-authored 26 scientific papers. He has also been a clinical lecturer at the University of Copenhagen and teaches future doctors in skin and venereal diseases.

A personal story

Co-founder of the Skin Cancer Clinic, Bolette Birch Bengtsen, experienced first-hand how hard and draining a skin cancer treatment without Mohs surgery can be. In the spring of 2015, she discovered a pearlescent bump on her nose that wouldn’t go away. Bolette turned to her own doctor and insisted on a referral to a dermatologist.

This was the start of a year-long process where she underwent a total of 4 surgeries. However, the surgeries did not remove all the skin cancer. The rollercoaster of surgeries and check-ups wore her down mentally. She had her final surgery with the Mohs surgical method. The method ensured that the skin cancer was completely removed in a single operation under local anesthesia.

Bolette, together with specialist in Mohs surgery Martin, has since run the Skin Cancer Clinic so that other skin cancer patients could be offered fast and effective treatment. Mohs surgery ensures complete removal of the skin cancer, is tissue-sparing with an optimal cosmetic result and saves the patient unnecessary psychological stress.

Katrine “Trisse” Engelbrecht

Surgical nurse and co-owner of the Skin Cancer Clinic

Trisse is a skilled and dedicated surgical nurse who began her career in healthcare in 1998. She has spent 16 years at the plastic surgery department at Rigshospitalet as a surgical nurse. Here she immersed herself in all aspects of surgical care, from preparation and planning to post-operative care.

Trisse has a philosophy that “people come before systems.” She firmly believes that while protocols and procedures are important, customizing care to the individual patient’s needs is key. It’s this humane approach that has made her an indispensable part of every team she’s worked in.

Trisse is not just a surgical nurse; she is a dedicated professional who is passionate about making a difference in her patients’ lives. With over two decades of experience in a variety of medical specialties, she serves as an example for those looking to pursue a career in nursing.

Navid Toyserkani

Specialist in plastic surgery

Navid graduated as a medical doctor in 2012 from the University of Copenhagen. Graduated as a Specialist in Plastic Surgery in 2022 after working at Odense University Hospital, Rigshospitalet and Zealand University Hospital in Roskilde.

Jeanette Haugaard

PhD in Dermatology

Graduated as a medical doctor from the University of Copenhagen in 2014. PhD in Dermatology. Published over 15 scientific articles on topics such as atopic eczema, psoriasis, hand eczema and lupus.

Giedrius Lelkaitis

Specialist in pathology and cytology

Audit report
Hudkræ Jylland

Audit report from the Danish Agency for
Patient safety with our clinic in Jutland

Internal Patient Survey 2021

Read the results from our internal patient survey 2019.

Internal Patient Survey 2022

Read the results from our 2020 internal patient survey.

LUP 2022

Read the results from LUP 2022, the National Survey of Patient Experience.

DDKM Accredited 2021-2024

DDKM Accredited 2021-2024

A few words from
our patients

Marianne Kock Koch:
“5 huge stars from me.

I have nothing but good things to say about the Skin Cancer Clinic. Everyone without exception is so incredibly nice and really skilled.

I came with a number of spots of BCC on my face, and had been referred by my dermatologist to have it removed with Mohs surgery, and since Bispebjerg hospital had a very long waiting time, I chose to use my health insurance, but they refused to pay for it at first, and Bolette at the reception was so nice and good at helping me, so I pressed them and they ended up accepting it, so remember not to take no for an answer.

And what a fantastic treatment I have received all the way, everyone makes you feel completely comfortable lying in the chair and being cut, and there is nothing they will not do for you, I have not experienced anything like this before (even at private clinics) so thank you so much for that.

Unfortunately, I have seen several people with not so nice skin grafts after the same treatment as me, (but where Mohs has not been used) and where you have not gotten it all the first time, the second time and sometimes 3 times, or where you have taken a much larger area than necessary, this does not happen with Mohs, where EVERYTHING is removed but only what is necessary.

Best recommendations and greetings from
Marianne, my sister, and my faithful mother who was the driver”

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