Articles about skin cancer

  • Recently, the media has been saying that we've become too afraid of the sun in Denmark. But what exactly are the ups and downs, and what do we here at the Skin Cancer Clinic think about skin [...]

  • Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the world, despite the fact that it's easy to protect against by staying safe in the sun. Skin cancer is easily treatable if caught early. Basal [...]

  • Skin cancer can also develop on the legs and back, although it most commonly develops on the face, ears, neck and upper chest. In fact, it can be seen anywhere on the body. The symptoms of skin [...]

  • Skin cancer most often develops on the face, ears and lips because these areas are exposed to a lot of sunlight. Symptoms of skin cancer on the face, ear and lip include small sores that don't heal, [...]

  • Skin cancer often occurs on the scalp because the scalp is exposed to a lot of sunlight. As a preventive measure, and if you have been diagnosed with scalp cancer, it is recommended to wear a sun [...]

Patient stories

  • "I'm very comfortable now, and I think I was treated incredibly well. I'm very happy with the result." I had surgery in February 2023 for basal cell carcinoma/skin cancer of the forehead [...]

  • "It's super important to spread the word about Mohs surgery so people know it's an option." I have a history of actually going for a check-up once a year because of melanoma. [...]

  • "It was everything in my life. Day and night I thought about it." For many years I've had a little thing on my nose that I've taken to the dermatologist several times. [...]

  • "I could barely even see afterwards how much he had taken off my skin." About a year ago, I had noticed a white spot on my nose. It wasn't something I wanted to do [...]

  • "From the first time I spoke to the Skin Cancer Clinic, I have felt in safe hands, and throughout this difficult process I have been met and treated by a highly professional staff, both professionally and on [...]

  • "With Mohs surgery, it only took a week and I was back at work." My story starts with a small wound that wouldn't heal, right next to my nose. It didn't occur [...]

Practical information

  • If the waiting time for treatment at a public hospital exceeds 60 days If your doctor has referred you to a hospital and you can't be treated within 60 days, you may be able to take [...]

  • In March 2018, the Skin Cancer Clinic was awarded its accreditation according to the Danish Quality Model (DDKM), version 1. A seal of quality that gives our patients and partners a guarantee that we deliver the best [...]


  • The clinic exudes a great working environment - which naturally rubs off on the users. Here you feel incredibly welcome - and the treatment is super professional and top-notch.Personally, I was in a looooong messy assessment process in [...]

  • 5 huge stars from me.I have nothing but good things to say about the Skin Cancer Clinic. Everyone without exception is so incredibly nice and really skilled.I came with a number of spots of BCC on my face, [...]

  • Lone Høberg has been a patient at the Skin Cancer Clinic. She was eager to share her experience, as she hopes that others can benefit from reading about her journey. When I meet Lone for this [...]

  • Young people can also be affected by skin cancer The risk of common skin cancer increases with age, but that doesn't mean you can't get the disease at a young age. At the Skin Cancer Clinic, [...]

  • Ulrika, 46, has had a long and grueling treatment process with many different doctors involved. Ulrika wants to share her experiences so that other skin cancer patients don't end up in the same situation Ulrika discovers a [...]

  • I have just completed a course at the Skin Cancer Clinic and can recommend this clinic in every conceivable way. A month before I started my course at the Skin Cancer Clinic, I had been to ANOTHER clinic [...]

  • Hi, my name is Flemming Skriver Kloster, I live in Lemvig. A few years ago I was diagnosed with skin cancer and was somewhat saddened by the news. Cancer is a word you have to get used to, [...]

  • For six months, I'd had what looked more like an incipient pimple on my nose. However, it didn't really go away. In just 4 weeks, what I thought was a pimple suddenly looked like a big witch's wart! [...]

  • Pia Stevens has recently undergone skin cancer treatment at the Skin Cancer Clinic for basal cell carcinoma of the scalp. Pia wants to share her experience as she hopes that others can benefit from reading about her journey. [...]