“It’s super important to spread the word about Mohs surgery so people know it’s an option.”
I have a history of actually going for a check-up once a year because of melanoma. But despite checking in February, I discover a small, dry spot in April. I felt a bit like “aarg, I can hardly bear to go down for an extra check-up”, but I did it anyway. Something inside me told me not to walk around with a spot that wouldn’t heal. In fact, my dermatologist had no doubts at all – even though he had just seen me two months before. That spot was basal cell carcinoma, so a biopsy was required. Luckily, my dermatologist referred me to Mohs surgery right away. There was no “middle” step. A few days after I called the Skin Cancer Clinic, I was called for a pre-examination at Bispebjerg, which I declined. This had to be removed immediately and look good – that’s why Mohs surgery would be used.
It looked like I had a small piercing in my nose that I didn’t use anymore. That’s how small the area was. I tried to convince Martin Glud that it was nothing. Then he looked at me and said: “There are at least 4×5 millimeters, so we have to remove that”. It even turned out that it had spread, of course. Which I was terribly surprised about.
I hadn’t heard of Mohs surgery before, although I know several people who have had basal cell skin cancer removed, including on the face. I’m happy with the results and think it’s super important to spread the word about Mohs surgery so people know it’s an option.

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As we are a private clinic, referrals from your own doctor are not free. However, if you have health insurance, we encourage you to contact them to see if they cover you.