Hi, my name is Flemming Skriver Kloster, I live in Lemvig. A few years ago I was diagnosed with skin cancer and was somewhat saddened by the news. Cancer is a word you have to get used to, even though very few people die from skin cancer. So I couldn’t help but spend a lot of time wondering about my skin cancer, until I found the Skin Cancer Clinic in Copenhagen.

They are the only private hospital in Denmark that can offer a treatment where they can safely remove all cancer cells. Most other private hospitals just freeze or burn the skin cancer area and hope that all the cancer is gone. Incidentally, the same method that is mostly used in the public hospital system, which is a cheap form of treatment, but not a 100% safe form of treatment.

For peace of mind, I chose to have my skin cancer removed at the Skin Cancer Clinic in Copenhagen. I struggled with the idea of a treatment where they couldn’t guarantee with certainty that all cancer cells have been removed, now that I had found out that this is actually an option at the Skin Cancer Clinic. I have never regretted my decision to have my skin cancer removed at the Skin Cancer Clinic, because from the moment I made the decision and they agreed to remove my skin cancer, my mind was at peace again.

They are really top professionals and very nice and friendly people at the Skin Cancer Clinic. If you have any questions about the Skin Cancer Clinic from a patient’s point of view, please feel free to contact me by email: flemmingskriverkloster@gmail.com
Once again, a huge thank you to you at the Skin Cancer Clinic.

Flemming Kloster